Do I Need
a Consult?

What is a consult?

Consults are a strategizing meeting with a communications staff member and key ministry or event volunteers/staff to help create a plan to maximize promotional and environmental impact for your ministry or event. We discuss any detail from your CommReq that might impact communication—from room décor and signage—to social media promotion and printing.

Do I need a consult?

We recommend a consult with our team for events and large projects to help us work in unity. Communication for big projects is always best face to face first. This best helps our team understand the direction, audience, and deliverables for your project or event. But if you wonder if we should meet—just ask! Our team is always willing to help you determine if you need a consult.

How do I request a consult?

First, submit a CommReq here

In your description of your request, you can tell us you would like a consult. If so, please include:
1)   Who from your ministry area needs to be included (staff &/or volunteers).
2)   Suggested days and times that work best for your team.

The Media Engagement Director will then handle scheduling appropriate staff members for the consult.