Welcome Home

Chapel Rock Christian Church is a community of ordinary people from all walks of life, humbly trusting Jesus to do the extraordinary. Simply put, we’re trusting Him to do what we can’t do ourselves — heal, transform, renew, forgive, and provide wholeness. We encourage you to check out one of our weekend services, where you’ll see the vision and values of Chapel Rock on display. We’d love for you to be part of it!

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Who We Are

Here at Chapel Rock, we want to be a church that joins Jesus in his mission to seek and save the lost by making disciples who make disciples. We want to join in your journey towards the Wholeness only found through Jesus Christ. Whether you find yourself on a mountaintop or valley, you belong here!


How we articulate our devotion to Christ as a local body of believers

Current Series

Into The Kingdom

Join us as we begin exploring what it means to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God. Matthew shows that Jesus is the promised King of Israel and our hearts, and that when we achnowledge that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords by living out the values of the Kingdom, then our lives (and communities!) will change for the better.

Image with pennant flag saying "Away Game"

Take Your Next Step

Wherever you are on your faith journey, we can’t wait for you to learn more about God’s plan for you and discover His purpose for your life. We believe you move toward wholeness one step at a time, and we are here to help you take Next Steps toward the peace and wholeness that comes from walking with Jesus.

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At Chapel Rock getting connected in community is important. Let’s get to know each other so we can be the church together and express our faith in a meaningful way.


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Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...