Status Definitions

What do the colored flags represent?

The color-coded labels represent the statuses of projects.

What do the statuses mean?
Open: The project is waiting to be processed. In some cases, your project will remain in “Open” if there is insufficient information provided.

Editing / Writing: The project requires our Editorial team to proof, edit, and/or write.

Design: The project requires our Design team to work on design elements.

Web / Social: The project requires our team to work on web-related or social media-related element.

Proofing: The project that has been provided back to the client for submitting edits or approval. Once a project is approved, it changes to “Print – In House” or “To Be Ordered.” 

Print – In House: If we have the equipment and capacity, we can print certain items in-house.

To Be Ordered: The project is waiting to be ordered with an outside vendor.

Ordered: The project has been ordered with an outside vendor.

On Hold: A project can be placed “On Hold,” either by a client or a member of our team for various reasons. The intent is for the project to be reopened at a later date. If a project has been in this status for a significant amount of time, it is subjected to being “Closed.” The client would then submit another CommReq when ready to proceed. 

Closed: The project has been completed and recipient has received all deliverables.