Chapel Rock Food Pantry

Give • Serve • Love

If you would like to volunteer for the Food Pantry ministry, please call the Chapel Rock office at 317-247-9739.

The Chapel Rock Food Pantry is another tangible way that we reach out into the community. Chapel Rock members are asked to assist the replenishing of the Food Pantry by donating the Food Pantry item of the month. Please check the monthly newsletter for the current month's requested item. 

Clients should be aware of the following:

  • Clients are not restricted to specific geographic boundaries
  • Enter at door #10 (far west entrance into the building)
  • The Food Pantry is available on the first and third Thursdays of each month
  • As a drive-thru pantry the hours have been modified to 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
  • Clients must bring proof of address (i.e., current utility bill or other piece of mail with a current date).
  • Connect 2 Help Hand Holding Heart

    If you’re not familiar with 2-1-1, think of it as 9-1-1 for social service needs.  Connect2Help 2-1-1 provides information and assistance with food, utilities, aging issues, counseling and finding safety from violent situations.  They are your primary source for community, health, crisis, and disaster information. Their staff is trained and dedicated to providing a caring, professional source of guidance and advocacy.  They are your bridge to a better tomorrow. 2-1-1: It’s easy to remember, easy to use, free, confidential, and available 24/7. You have a place to call for help whenever you or a loved one needs it. 

    Connect 2 Help can address the following needs:

    Education  /  Clothing  /  Shelter  /  Volunteering  /  Legal Aid  /  Disaster Assistance  /  Hispanic Outreach  /  Holiday Assistance  /
    Suicide Prevention  /  Mental Health Services  /  Food  /  Housing  /  Health Care  /  Employment  /  Support Groups  /  Parent Counseling

    Local Food Pantries Utensils

    Please call the specific pantry for details to confirm dates/times

    Chapel Rock Christian Church
    Address: 2020 N. Girls School Road, 46214

    Phone: 317-767-4309

    Pantry Times: 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month; 3pm - 6pm

    Click Here to Learn More

    Chapel Hill United Methodist Church

    Address: 963 N. Girls School Road, 46214

    Phone: 317-241-6163

    Pantry Times: 2nd Saturday each month-produce only 10am – 12pm. Last Saturday, full food pantry 9am – 12pm

    Vineyard Life Church
    Address: 612 N. High School Road, 46214

    Phone: 317-222-5510

    Pantry Times: 3rd Saturday of each month; 10am - 12pm

    Westside Church of the Nazarene
    Address: 8610 W. 10th Street, 46234
    Phone: 317-271-7607
    Pantry Times: 4th Saturday of each month. COVID Hours: 8:15am - 11am. No hot breakfast.

    Eagle Creek Community Church
    Address: 5943 Lafayette Road, 46254
    Phone: 317-602-3684
    Pantry Times: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. 6:30pm - 8:00pm