Welcome to the Rock Class
Get to know Chapel Rock and what we're all about!
Welcome to the Rock Class
Get to know Chapel Rock and what we're all about!
What is Welcome to the Rock?
If you are new to Chapel Rock, this is the place to start! Welcome to the Rock is a lunch and conversation time for those interested in finding out more about Chapel Rock. It is a chance to meet Lead Pastor, Casey Scott and listen as he shares the vision for our church and our community. This will launch you into the next step, your Wired experience. The luncheon is from 12:30 to 2 pm and located in the Fellowship Hall (FH 14); children are welcome to join you!
Your Story
Starts Here.
Chapel Rock Christian Church is a family — a place you can call home. It’s where you can find hope, healing, and wholeness or "shalom" through Jesus. Over the years, this family has grown and changed, but one thing will always stay the same: Our love for Jesus and for each other. No matter where you’re at in your journey, you can be confident that you’re more than welcome at Chapel Rock — you’re wanted.