Wired Class
Find your place in the Chapel Rock family.
What will I learn?
Wired is a 4-week membership class that follows Welcome to the Rock. It is designed to help you find your place here at Chapel Rock and get plugged in and serving. The sessions will be from 11 am to 12:30 pm in Fellowship Hall (FH 14).
Habits of Wholeness
You were made to do something! Do you know what it is? Do you know what God has wired you up to be? In Habits of Wholeness, we learn about what wholeness or "shalom" is and how we live that out in our lives and community.
Sacred Pathways + Gifts
Jesus didn't just save us from sin; He saves us for a purpose. In Sacred Pathways + Gifts, we discover our spiritual gifts and what it looks like to partner with God here on earth. The pathway that Jesus has wired you to take will be the most spiritually fulfilling means to find wholeness in Christ.
Sharing God's Work
In Sharing God's Work, we discover that we are made for life together! Jesus has recreated you by His Spirit, He has given you a specific temperament and gifts, and He has resourced you in such a way that you with the people whom God has put in your life.
Life in Community
The church is more than a building, it's a family. During Life in Community, you'll find your place in our Chapel Rock family and how to connect with Chapel Rock and the community.
What to expect
A full Sunday morning
Wired classes are a combination of teachings and discussion. You’ll hear a little, talk a little, and laugh a lot. Classes happen during Sunday gatherings so you can attend a service and a class all on the same day.
Childcare is provided
While you’re in Wired, your kids will have a great time at Chapel Rock Kids! Children who are staying for more than one gathering go to their age-appropriate KidRock or Early Childhood room for one service and to KidRock for the other. KidRock is a fun place for kids to build relationships and learn about Jesus on their level.
Ready to serve?
Still have questions?
We'd love to answer any questions you have. You can contact us here.